Wednesday 9 December 2015

Our Anamatic

The video above is the anamatic for our horror movie. Although only brief and just over 1/4 of our actual film time, the anamatic outlines our proposed plot for the beginning of the movie and features an array of different angled drawings and sketches flaunting the different camera angles we will be using. For the anamatic we attempted to have a predominant focus on the victim of the collision- the young girl. However, we are aware that possible future alterations will ensure that there is also a key focus on our leading antagonistic male character, and shot reverse shots and two shots will occupy much more screen time. The strengths of this anamatic production include the accuracy in the sketches considering color, proportions angle as well as the chronological order we have devised for the piece. Another strength of this production is the research we did into non copyright music and sound effects and the finding and creating of the accurate sound effect with the car engine and girls scream. We also attempted to consider special effects and transitions by using the 'strobe' overlay to make the headlight appear as if it was flashing, and the red overlay used to make the final cut of the opening scene with the girl with her hand on the window even more daunting. The weaknesses of our Anamatic were that we could have considered even more camera shot types as well as possibly creating an alternative route for our film opening with a differentiation in the course of events and compare two alternating anamatics. Additionally, a weakness of this anamatic is that we could have considered the time more wisely and made it lengthier to include more of the proposed shots and work with the two minute time limit we are to be given. Working with the time limit more effectively would portray to us which parts of the movie opening could be omitted or where we would need to use editing techniques like ellipsis to show the passage of time rather than going 'over the top' with cramped amounts of action. We also as a weakness possibly focused too much on color and mis-en-scene when this could be considered through other research tasks so this particular task simply focused on the routine and order of our shots and the type of shots.

The sound effect of the car collision we used:
The creepy sythetic sound effect we used:

These two tracks we used to accompany our anamatic were both non copyright sound clips that we could propose to use in the production of our actual movie, however creating a piano rendition of our own created piece would make the movie itself feel more like our own and more original and ensure we have been involved in every part of the film creation- from shot types and camera angling, to mise en scene, lighting, sound and editing. We listened to many different horror movie soundtracks as well as different compositions created in a computerized manner on sites such as you tube and we recognized similarly in all of the soundtracks- the instruments most prominently used were woodwind and piano or organ style instruments with a lengthy 'grace notes' and completely contrasting high and low pitched notes. Also- there was almost the synthetic xylophone noise played in many horror soundtracks- as well as warped and distorted natural noises- like the wind or doors creaking for example which were used alongside actual instrumentals. Noises like this could be made independelty by Foley processes by both me and Sophie- especially with props like wine glasses, running water, creaking doors and wind/ whistling.

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