Friday 5 February 2016

crash zoom and other filming techniques we could have used

A crash zoom is a sudden rapid zoom in on a is generally a typical horror movie cliche. We could have used this particular technique for the part of the scene where Robyn bangs on the car window and doom into her chilling facial expression- however this may have not been a large enough zoom radius for the camera shot& technique to appear effective.

A deep focus is another camera technique that we could have used- especially because this camera shot focuses on different depths and levels in a scene and is useful to give multiple characters prevalence which is relevant to our film with only two key characters for the main two roles. For the deep focus technique we can use premier elements 'blur and zoom' to create a similar effect.

A shallow focus was partly and subtly used in our movie making process to focus on the drunken male driver of the car because a shallow close up focus showed his features clearly and took the attention from audiences to him. a shallow focus is similar to a close up because it only has one singular focus and detail on one thing.

A pull focus was a specific transition/effect we wanted to use for our film titles rather than in the actual movie...this is because a pull focus tends to be used more in sci-fy films to appear to be artificial and fantasy.

We tried to keep to the rule of thirds in our movie opening and direct the audience attention to the prominent thirds of the screen, especially in the car scenes where we filmed and edited our male character to be on the far right of the screen. The only time we cleverly aimed to use the direct center of the scene and grid of thirds was when the girl was filmed in the car mirror after rising from the dead and was center of the mirror and of the road.

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