Tuesday 9 February 2016

Post film interview questions

  1. Why did you choose the horror genre?
  2. What did you find the hardest part of the filming process?
  3. How well do you think the characters fitted in with their surroundings/location?
  4. How have you used elements of sound in your film?
  5. What are your likes and dislikes on the editing software?
  6. When filming, were there any barriers or problems and how did you work with them?
  7. Why did you choose the location you did?
  8. How did you work well as a filming team?
  9. How do you think is film stands out from others?

Above are questions which we asked ourselves. We thought that these might be questions that the audience may want to find out and were the most important to guide them through our film. A short clip will be followed after this of our interviews.

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