Sunday 3 January 2016

Genre research-horror

Horror films have a primary purpose to frighten or invoke hidden or fearful subjects from an audience. This alone makes horror movies one of the most interactive film genres as they often don't depend on a creative or ingenious plot or story line- its more about how they will scare their audience. A typical feature of horror movies are their often shocking finale scenes, where often, we realize that the whole cast almost-is dead.  horror movies for an audience are described to be a  'cathartic experience'...horror movie producers intend to use jump scares, relatable topics, everyday life idea of routine with added often gruesome and terrifying implications. There are a huge variety of horror film sub-categories...from horror films that use CGI to create un-thinkable monsters, horror movies on low budgets and horror movies that use gore, and horror movies that are simply disturbingly relatable to something that 'could' be real. They are often combined with sci-fi films when the menace or monster is related to a corruption of technology, or when Earth is threatened by aliens. examples of horror movies would be the exorcist, Ouija, psycho and a nightmare on elm street.

our particular horror movie would most likely be sub-categorized under mainstream horror because it is an authentic and individual idea as well as being set within our modern age. In a different perspective however it could be seen as a zombie/monster film as our main character has risen from the dead. These types of horror movies particularly appeal to older teenagers who want a modernized thrill or fright and is probably the most popular horror category as themes of severe gore or unrealistic vampire and zombie themes or even psychopathic horror do not have a major focus therefore not limiting and putting off audiences. 

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