Saturday 30 January 2016

Opening titles/ Opening analysis & inspiration

The titles and credits for american horror story acted as inspiration in our movie making process because although a televised series- American Horror story has a similar target audience to our own, the themes within the episodes focus on variations of warped ideologies and depictions with warped images of children and childhood photos especially evident with the title credits for seasons 1&2 of the programme.
In particular, we especially liked the text transitions and the way the text appeared in titles onscreen with glitchy unclean strobe movements. This creates an uneasy brusque effect making the titles seem particularly unsettling and unnatural- which can be created on Premier Elements with the 'smear' text transition. Although we only have two minutes to create an opening to our movie and therefore may not include the photographic montages much like American horror story- the inspiration from this has helped in how we want our title screen to appear. In addition to this the font used is recognizable from this horror series to a wide audience- meaning if we featured a similar or parallel font in our movie opening, audiences would recognize it as being chilling and connoted with horror.

The sepia tonal variation of the opening to american horror story also creates a dark gloomy feel through color and editing effects, which we too aimed to adopt in our opening as darker monochromatic colors often have more connotations and association with history, darkness and scariness. For our production company titles at the beginning of the movie we thought a monochromatic overlay would be relevant because it may connote that our production company has been running for a long time, is prestigious and important. For our movie too much color and boldness gives a juxtaposing feel to the movie which could confuse audiences. American horror story uses contrasting color to their advantage to create personas of bold characters with bold personalities yet dark story lines.

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