Friday 25 March 2016

EVALUATION ACTIVITY 2 How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our main character- Robyn- posed a strong link to 'the grudge' from the film titled Ju-Un: the grudge. This already stood as a huge link because both our film and this Japanese horror are named after the key antagonist. The grudge is a key character who is a young girl, with her only role in the film being dead and following her Resurrection much like our character Robyn. Jason Behr is one of The Grudges star actors after his well known role in Dawson's creek and Buffy the vampire slayer and we would intend to use similar actors to Behr for our own movie originating from televised series creating the more independent film appeal rather than better known Hollywood actors causing a higher intended budget and less realism to the film. The link to the grudge had huge influence and inspiration on our film because both had very similar characterised main antagonists, in addition to this themes of vengeance from the antagonists and similar warped distorted soundtracks were evident in both the grudge and our own movie.

On the left hand side of the image are screen captures from two significant parts of our movie opening where Robyn appears strikingly and captures the audience attention hence why we chose to compare these images. although there are lots of physical similarities with character appearance, the main difference with both films is the plot because the grudge revolves around a curse being passed on whereas our film revolves around a girls gruesome quest for vengeance.  In the images, physically the feminine grudge characters in both films appear similar regarding mise en scene with their white night dresses connoting purity possibly innocence or vulnerability however; in comparison the two close ups above show how they appear as a threat and how the impact they intend to have on the audience is negative.

in the image to the right, I depicted other similar movies we can relate our main character Robyn to. Firstly and most evidently, in the Steven king horror rendition Carrie- Robyn shares many similarities with this antagonist because of her youthful blonde young representation...creating a representation of the younger female social group as young and uncontrollable because she cannot control her power much like we can assume Robyn cannot control her actions. Another similar film is the exorcist where once again a young female protagonist is used as the scary and main point of the storyline. In the exorcist, themes of religion and exorcism surround the young girl bringing in audience social groups concerned with religion or enjoying the complex religious theme....which is a target or aspect of our own film we could work on to involve deeper meaning, themes and social group inclusion in our film. The last film we could use as a similarity and representation of social groups similar to our own film is the film Annabelle where a puppet creation of a young girl is used to scare audiences. Although our film is different to this by using a real main acting character unlike a key similarity again is the representation of young social groups with the young looking puppet which is interesting because puppets are typically old and antique attributes making the presence of a puppet even more chilling to include in a horror movie. The pictures I included screen grabs from in the image on the right all show close ups included in our own movie and hit blockbuster horrors and the camera technique of these deep focus close ups is similar and effective to create jump scares and very visual shots for the audience that will stick in their minds.

in our film Robyn is given the most prevalence making us, as the audience, notice her more however this is often different in other horrors where they only appear at unexpected times to scare the audience a lot more as recognised in The Grudge. Although in JU-UN: the grudge, the grudge herself is the main character...she does not always have prevalence or the final shot in the scenes because there are other character storylines regarded more importantly and she remains a constant enigma. We feel like both characters could appeal to a wide audience and particular social groups. For example, the female audience would be engaged by this and may feel like they could relate and sympathise for them much more with being the same gender, in addition to this both female grudge like girls are like evil female doppelgangers and their female attributes like both of the characters having long draping hair, and girly nighties would attract a female audience whilst In contrast the male audience may be interested  too in both movies as it is often found that in horror, younger characters are shown to be at more of a threat and therefore those who enjoy this type of horror would be influenced to watch it.

Similarly, both films follow the conventions of a horror location. In our film, the location is in a quiet and derelict area with nothing around which has more of an eerie feel to it and The Grudge is primarily set in a house which is supposedly haunted with no surrounding industry or residence creating also an eerie lonely feel. We felt both movies could in a horror perspective affect social groups and audiences in different ways. For example, social groups that spend a lot of time at home or feel safe in their home environment would feel uneasy by the setting of a house in the grudge, and this may scare the typical 'sofa audiences' more who watch movies on integrated media platforms like Netflix...contrasting, our film would affect social groups that have a fear of the unknown because our location was designated purposely to feel unknown and derelict.  

typical audiences for horrors and thrillers generally tend to expect there to be a vulnerable advantage taken girl, as girls are stereo typically seen as the weaker sex. for this reason we went against typical stereotypical representations of social groups as The females in both films were harrowing, feared and strong rather than vulnerable.- as well as both being main characters. the actor that plays Robyn for our movie has blonde hair, which is stereo typically seen as attractive..sometimes a representation in social stereotypes of the 'dumb blonde' but can also be a direct connotation of wealth and beauty...however we wanted our film also to completely juxtapose this social group representation creating a scary character out of something beautiful.

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